Hello and welcome to our weekly round up of news and events.
Firstly, a quick update on our Birmingham Embroiderers' Guild social media presence. Many of you may already subscribe to our Facebook page click here. If you're on Facebook but haven't yet found us, please take a look. We might think we are just doing our embroidery thing in Birmingham UK but the Facebook page has a surprisingly wide reach with visitors and comments from far flung corners of the world. If you want to post to the page or share images or anything of interest, please go ahead.
More UK based but also very popular is the Birmingham Embroiderers' Guild Instagram page click here. It's still in its infancy but the account has quite a number of followers and attracts a fair bit of interest. If you haven't yet tried Instagram, I can recommend it although of course, as with all social media sites, once you're involved your life will soon disappear down that rabbit hole of pretty pictures and delightful procrastination.
Video of the week
Firstly, a quick update on our Birmingham Embroiderers' Guild social media presence. Many of you may already subscribe to our Facebook page click here. If you're on Facebook but haven't yet found us, please take a look. We might think we are just doing our embroidery thing in Birmingham UK but the Facebook page has a surprisingly wide reach with visitors and comments from far flung corners of the world. If you want to post to the page or share images or anything of interest, please go ahead.
More UK based but also very popular is the Birmingham Embroiderers' Guild Instagram page click here. It's still in its infancy but the account has quite a number of followers and attracts a fair bit of interest. If you haven't yet tried Instagram, I can recommend it although of course, as with all social media sites, once you're involved your life will soon disappear down that rabbit hole of pretty pictures and delightful procrastination.
After their recent successful regional day our sisters at Solihull branch are in exhibition mode. Let's show some support for their Ruby Exhibition & Retrospective at the Core exhibition space at Solihull Library from 31 Oct – 12 Nov 10:00 - 16:00. In addition to the fascinating retrospective of members' work, there will be gifts and cards for sale.Video of the week
Check out the textile adventures of Dot in this delightful 1 minute film click here:
And finally: don't miss this week's Radio 4 book of the week on BBC iplayer. Five fascinating stories of how fabrics have shaped the world we live in from the book the Golden Thread by Kassia St Clair:
Bye for now and see you next week.