Weekly news round-up
Hello everybody. We're trying a round up of news every Friday. There's always a lot going on, so it will be good to catch up on a regular basis. Liz has supplied some ace links for videos (see below) and it would be great to have this as a regular feature. So if you see anything you think we'd all enjoy, please let us know
The new travelling books season starts soon. The aim is to bring your book to the November meeting with a piece you have made yourself in your book, ready to pass on to the first person on your list. The only stipulation is that your piece must include some element of stitch. If it's your first time, the book is free.
Here's a few highlights from the travelling books on display last Monday. We are a talented bunch!
The quality of our raffle bags is always exceedingly high and October's black and white bags were no exception. Next month the colour is silver so have a rummage for silver goodies to bring along. Looking ahead, we still need a few more bags for 2019 so have a word with Jeanette if you haven't yet put your name down.
Video of the week
"A needle is a tool for mending..."
Textile artist Gina Niederhumer describes how stitching and art is good for the soul:
Leamington Branch have invited us to the private view of their exhibition at All Saints Church, Leamington on 18th October.Details are here: Click here for the invitation (RSVP before 15th October)