September and we are back!!

Monday September 12.  It's time to get back after the summer break and we are looking forward to our new programme.

Tonight we will see a selection of folios from the Embroiderer's Guild collection. This will give members a chance to get close up and intimate with some excellent examples of work from the collection.  Bring your camera and sketch book and be ready to be inspired.

We will also have chance to congratulate Anne and Lorna who have successfully completed their City and Guilds and have the opportunity to look at some of their work.

There will be  a sales table tonight so time to spend your hard earned cash and grab a bargain including some left over 'goody bags' from regional day to buy.

The Raffle bag is Purple so if you can do bring a small contribution - it all adds to the great fun of going through the prize bag, and it is a chance to catch up with Janette who is taking over as raffle queen.

Tonight will be the opportunity to renew your membership, if you can please print out and complete the forms from the email from Anne or there will be blanks available :

Re-joining and fees Membership fees for 2016/17 are £47. National fee is £33 this is an increase. The branch fee is £12 this is a slight increase but it is our first for 2 years. The Regional Levy is £2 if Birmingham is your primary branch. The total for those members were we are the primary branch is therefore £47. Fees are due in September. Cheques or bank transfer is preferred (not cash).
A little advance notice that the AGM will begin at 7 pm at the 10 October meeting we will then break for coffee before our speaker Jane Arthur takes over her talk 'Ice and other things'.


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