September notes

Branch Notices September 2014

Welcome back everyone we hope you had a wonderful summer. Bernadette is sorry to be missing the September meeting but having had a sneak preview of the folios is sure that you will have a great evening. The following notices update you on a number of issues. Pleasecontact any committee member tonight, or at any time if you want to discuss anything further.
Membership renewal is happening now if you haven’t already, please get a form from Anne who can also answer any queries you might have. We really hope that you will all feel able to join again.
If at any time you come across a possible speaker for a branch meeting please let one of the committee know, with full contact details especially email if possible.
Hopefully some progress has happened on your Tolkien pieces over the summer but there is still time if not. Good news from Bernadette’s point of view who has yet to produce something. See Clare if you need any help or advice and if you can pieces by October would be great if not by the end of the year.
We hope you enjoyed the DVD library those of you who borrowed something it is a continuing resource so please make use of it.
Please come along to the Birmingham Library on 4th October if you can, to sit and stitch. Owing to Heathers wedding some of the regulars won’t be there so additional support would be really welcome.
A reminder that we would like to have an additional Committee member so please if you are interested speak to an existing member. Existing members will be standing again, but may revise some roles. Clare has nomination forms.
Branch Timeline Clare has done a great job producing this. Copies will go in welcome packs
Staffordshire Hoard
The October bag is brown so any contributions for that would be very welcome.
Bernadette Wilkinson and Heather Ramsden on behalf of the committee


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