News Round-up April 12th

Hi everyone

The 2019 Embroiderers' Guild AGM was held last week in the splendour of the 18th century Assembly Rooms in Newcastle. 

Highlights included a thoroughly enjoyable talk by Scott Gordon Heron from Hand and Lock and the excellent exhibition of entrants and prizewinners from the Members' Challenge: Life's Rich Pattern

News from the AGM:

  • Membership subscriptions will remain at £38 for next year but the Early Bird offer has been removed. 
  • Alice Kettle has been appointed as the new President of the Guild
  • Future projects include celebrating 400 years since the Mayflower set sail to America
  • Next year's AGM will be held in the West Midlands (!)
  • The name of the Embroiderers' Guild is still under review
  • The current auditors, Knox Cropper, will remain the same.
  • The Guild are aware of feelings about Unity Bank's charges and are looking at alternatives
  • Life's Rich Pattern: From bottom left - Loetitia Gibier, Su Allington, Ann Clare,Nikki Parmenter, Alyssa Robinson

Look who we found! Great to meet up with Clare.

Bye for now or, as I believe they say in Newcastle - tara hinney!


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