Results of Members Survey 2016/2017
Thanks for those of you who completed the survey recently. We do take notice of the results and try to change things for you, it isn't always quick, you may be surprised to know that most speakers and workshops are booked a year or more in advance.
In the past we have changed AGM format so that speakers are not there for the business, purchased a speaker system so that you can hear more clearly and tried to vary the day schools to give more people the opportunity to attend something of interest to them.
This years 2 top favourites were a 'Tale of 2 Members' (well done Marion and Heather) and Richard Box- both of these will be returning. A Tale of 2 members in 2018 will feature Clare Wilkins and Bev Archer. Richard Box is running a Day School for us 25 November – so get a move on and book soon.
Also there was lots of love for the Birmingham Ballet Costumes, Mother of Pearl Buttons with George Hook and Textile Art with Michala Gyetvai.
Edwina McKinnon Dyeing and Anne's Canvas work Day Schools were also loved by most of those who attended.
Guild Folios was less popular, we are 'resting' this in 2017/18 and will look at the format, if anyone has suggestions on how this can be improved please see any of the committee as it is a privilege to take the opportunity to see pieces close up.
You weren't so sure about Teabags, that was a one off and we won't be repeating it but some exciting new projects are coming along.
The committee will also look at how we work with CoCoMad, this is a great fundraiser for us and does help to keep fees down and benefit members but does need all to be involved.