September meeting Tuesday 12 September

Tonight we have a guest speaker Maria Thomas talking about 'My Journey through Stitch' - Maria is running a Day School for us in March so it will be a good chance to find out more about her.

Did you complete your landscape from the summer party, do bring it along to Show and Share, it will be a great chance to see the different finished items, you can bring along any other project so if you have been especially busy stitching through the summer lets all share.

Travelling Books is relaunched in October, there are still a couple of spaces so see Meriel if you want to join in.

The raffle tonight is purple - please do see Janette for tickets and if you can bring along a contribution for the raffle which continues to be popular and fun.  Also remember to sign up to create a bag, if you haven't had a chance yet it is great to be involved and if you have then do have another go, there are lots of colours to get through.

The raffle in October will still be BRONZE, the change to black/white will be 2018 - sorry for any confusion.

Membership Renewal:

If you haven't already renewed don't forget payment is needed by 15 September to guarentee  the £2 saving. 

Forms were attached to the email sent to all members:

The Guild have put the HQ membership up to £35 this year but if you pay your membership before 30th September you’ll only have to pay £33 for the main membership (same as last year). 

Both the Branch fee and the Regional fee are staying the same as last year so paying in September means you’d face no increase if you’re with Birmingham’s branch. 

The total fee to join before 30/09/2017 is £47 which can be paid at the September meeting on 11/09/2017 or by post/bank transfer to Anne by 15/09/2017 to give  time to process it all and pay HQ. 

After this it is £49. The branch will not be able to offer the discount once the HQ offer has ended

Anne needs membership forms completed including the gift aid section if you pay tax and are happy for us to gift aid your fee.  It is much easier to complete the HMRC forms if the membership form is fully completed by you. 

Anne will have spare copies of the form at September’s meeting and if you pay by cheque at the meeting or bank transfer by 15/09/2017 you will get the early bird discount. Obviously you can pay before then  if you are away in September.  

We can’t guarantee being able to process renewals and payments after 15/09/2017 in time to get the details to HQ for the early bird discount so please pay by this date to get the discount.

See you all at 7 for 7.30. 

If you're new to the Guild, visitors are welcome, and the first session is free and we will tell you about ongoing fees. Please see here for details of where we meet. See you there!


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