September meeting
Sarah Burgess spoke to us about her life and work.
Sarah told us how she had always loved art at school but her plans to go to college had changed when her life took a different path becoming a wife and mother.
Sarah joined a local drawing group and eventually a group at Chesterfield college which turned out to be a City and Guilds embroidery course and having completed parts one and two went on to teach the course.
We learned of 2 main interests throughout Sarah's work- gloves and their link to hands seeing the life story develop through these items. Sarah was able to look at the history of glove making and tracked down retired glove makers to learn about there history.

Living close to the old Matlock baths Sarah had been interested in the broken crokery which came from the into a stream through her garden, she showed us photos of work that she had completed, cleaning and arranging broken fragments - this led to further work reassembling pieces of broken pottery and using fascinating ways of putting things back together. Whilst telling us of this Sarah also spoke of the connection she felt through her work and her aunt who had become ill and was suffering.
We then learned about Sarah's work on her MA as she was able to go to college and complete her degree many years after she had originally planned. She was enjoying her course when her husband became seriously ill whilst abroad and whilst Sarah waited until he was well enough to travel she found inspiration in the inadequate sewing kit she aquired and start looking at other items such as the simple first aid kit.
Sarah has now completed her degree and is set to continue her and exhibiting. She works and exhibits with the Textile Study Group and you can follow this link to their website for more information textilestudygroup.
Remember to see Margaret to sign up for Sarah's workshop
This months raffle was Violet and we had the normal excellent response from members with contributions for the beautiful bags.
Lorna has next years bags ready so remember to sign up with her to create your own bag for a raffle, especially if you have not had the chance before - it is great fun and we all enjoy seeing the many varied creations.
See you on October 12 for the AGM, Bren Boardman and the Bronze Raffle bag.