Dayschools 2014

We have three exciting dayschools in 2014, details of which are below.

If you would like to book place on the dayschools, we would prefer it if you could pay either by cheque or bank transfer, as we incur fees for banking cash, which we currently do not pass on to members. If you would like the branch bank details, please speak to Anne at the next branch meeting.

Saturday 8th March 2014 – Kay Dennis – Stumpwork and Needlelace
This is a hand embroidery day school, and those attending will be able to learn basic stumpwork techniques or how to needlelace. See to find out more about stumpwork and needlelace.

Saturday 28th June 2014 – June Parkinson – Lutradur Workshop
Explore the real potential of Lutradur, create a vibrant piece of work using crochet cotton and metallic thread, further embellish with beads etc.  Fix to a frame.  Now comes the exciting part, add colour and burn areas out with a heat gun. The piece is then mounted above another embroidered and beaded background to create a lovely 3D effect.  This is a great technique and a really original way to use Lutradur.  Sewing machine required. See for more of June's work.

Saturday 29th November 2014 – Box of Chocs with Greta Fitchett
This is the solution to those of us who are calorie conscious!  A box of chocolates made entirely from fabric and thread and hand stitched.  Soft sculptures made to look like chocolates, and embellished with hand embroidery and beading to create inviting surfaces.  Set off in a chocolate box you will have to stop your friends from eating them. This is a hand embroidery workshop. shows Greta’s designs etc. 

In September we hope to have a number of informal workshops run be members in their own homes for small groups. We will be asking members to volunteer to run sessions if they are interested in sharing a technique with others - if you fel you would like to run a session on any textile art topic, please speak to a member of the committee. There will be a small fee, which will mostly go to the member leading the session.

To find out more about dayschools, please see this post.


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