New Embroidery Friends Group

I've received the below message from Guild and thought that our members might like to know about it:

You may have heard that the current Embroiderers' Guild forum is being closed on 1st February 2013. As the new Guild web site will not include a forum, it was suggested that a new independent forum could be formed instead, so members of the current forum have started one on Yahoo Groups.

The new forum is called Embroidery Friends and can be found  at

Although this is no longer part of the Guild, it is still very much focused around a shared connection to the Guild and all Guild members are very welcome to join in, so if you think any of your branch members would be interested, please let them know.


I have joined the group  and it looks to be a nice lively place to chat about embroidery. Signing up wasn't too tricky, if you need a hand then let me know at the next meeting.

~ Heather


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