Simple Shapes, Simple Stitches, Experiments with Pattern Requirements List
On November 24th we will be welcoming Steph Redfern to Birmingham Embroiderers Guild to lead a day school entitled Simple Shapes, Simple Stitches, Experiments with Pattern. Steph is a very talented embroiderer and textile artist, and you can see more of her work on her blog. We will be doing lots of hand stitching, and Steph has asked us to bring along the following items:
- Personal visual reference in the form of photographs or books, relevant to the course. For this course simple bold images to use as pattern or simple images would be ideal.
- Fabrics, for instance plain and patterned fabrics, felt, metallic and sheer fabrics. Papers and mixed media if wanted.
- Threads, needles, sharp scissors [suitable for fabric cutting], beads and any other interesting materials that could be used forembellishment.
- Pencils and paper, tracing paper, a glue stick, paper scissors.
- Bondaweb.
- If wanted - inks, acrylic paints and brushes/sponges/palette/print blocks for fabric painting. Although fabric painting is not part of the course these items may be useful to customise fabric for your project.
The day looks set to be a very interesting one. If you would like to book a place, please see Margaret Richards at a meeting, or email