'Little Boxes' Workshop with Louise Watson

Today, 14 Guild members attended a brilliant workshop led by Louise Watson, who was teaching us to make tiny embroidered boxes like this one:

Birmingham Embroiderers Guild May 2011 Little Boxes (12)
A one stitch box

Birmingham Embroiderers Guild May 2011 Little Boxes (13)
A little garden box

We had all brought a selection of fabric, beads and threads, and proceeded to work on our own boxes.

Some members chose to start one stitch boxes in a range of complementary colours:
Birmingham Embroiderers Guild May 2011 Little Boxes (4)

While others started work on their own miniature gardens:
Birmingham Embroiderers Guild May 2011 Little Boxes (5)

Louise was a brilliant tutor, she gave very informative demonstrations and was on hand to provide advice and tips. Throughout the morning she demonstrated the next skill or technique we'd need to know to progress with our boxes. Through the day we worked on our sewing, making the side panels and embellishing the top with layers of stitching & beads.

Linda worked fantastically hard and finished her entire box in the day:
Birmingham Embroiderers Guild May 2011 Little Boxes (19)

Birmingham Embroiderers Guild May 2011 Little Boxes (20)

Everyone else made great progress, and have boxes which are nearly ready to finish, here's a slideshow of the photos:

All the stitching together:
Birmingham Embroiderers Guild May 2011 Little Boxes (35)

If you want to find out more about Louise, you can go to her Brunel Broderers page, or their Blog, a great source of inspiration. The group have an exhibition entitled "curiouser...?" in Frome in September, and more details are on their blog too. She also has an exhibition in Cardiff soon, about her collaboration with a potter.

All in all, a great day, and everyone was really looking forward to making more boxes. Thank you Louise!


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