Lutradur Workshop with June Parkinson

June's workshop is on 29th June. If you wish June can supply your canvas and or Lutrador but will need to know how many to bring so please email before June 9th or add your name to the list at the meeting that evening.

Why not take a look at June's website to see some great examples!lutradur
Lutradur Workshop Requirements:

Artist’s canvas (the type that are stretched onto a frame) 8’’ x 20’’   or 12’’ x 16’’ are good sizes.

Lutradur . This needs to be 4’’ larger both ways than your canvas.

Crochet threads or other thicker threads which will be used in the bobbin, several weights if you have them, white or coloured they will be painted afterwards, metallic threads. White machine cotton.
Glitzy snippets of fabric, and  beads [including larger ones if you have any], sequins, cords anything to add texture and glitter under the lutradur layer.
Sewing machine including a darning/embroidery foot if you have one.  Usual sewing kit,

June will have all of the requirements listed below so no problem if you don’t have them.
Acrylic paints, sponges or paint brushes, plastic sheet or newspaper, rubber gloves, apron. Etc.  I will have paints and brushes with me so no need to buy if you don’t have any.
Heat gun if you have one.
PVA glue

Strong stapler suitable for use on wood (Please do not buy one, I will bring one.)


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